We provide paid companion service for your patients hospitalized in public hospitals in Ankara. If you would like paid companion support to support your patients in the hospital and meet their needs, you can contact us.
Paid companions can help with early diagnosis and intervention of possible complications by ensuring the patient is under 24-hour supervision. Paid companions increase the patient's comfort and well-being by meeting the patient's basic needs such as food, water and toilet. It helps increase the morale and motivation of the patient by chatting with him and supporting him. Paid companions relieve the family's burden by taking on many tasks related to the patient's care.
It should be ensured that the companion is experienced with the patient's disease and the type of care he needs. For some patients, having a companion may be a medical necessity.
If a companion will be staying in the hospital, it is important that you learn the hospital's rules and regulations regarding companions.
The companion and the family should talk clearly before the service. It is important to clearly define the companion's duties and responsibilities.
Patient caregiver; They have duties such as giving the patient food and water, meeting the patient's toilet needs, monitoring and giving the patient's medications, ensuring the patient's hygiene, keeping the patient's morale and motivation high, communicating with the patient's relatives, and helping the patient with other matters he needs.
Paid companion fees vary depending on the companion's experience, the patient's needs, and the length of time the companion will work.