Ayaş Şehit Mehmet Çifci State Hospital Paid Patient Companion
Ayaş Şehit Mehmet Çifci State Hospital Paid Patient Companion
As in all hospitals in Ankara, we provide you with paid patient companionship services at Ayaş Şehit Mehmet Çifci State Hospital. We work with the awareness of the sensitivity of the process you are going through.
What Does a Patient Companion Do?
A patient companion is an individual who plays an important role in the daily life activities, health monitoring and emotional support of patients in need of care. They undertake various tasks so that patients can continue their lives more comfortably and safely at home or in the hospital.
Developing Empathy Towards the Patient
Understanding the patient's feelings and putting yourself in their shoes allows a more sensitive and compassionate approach to the patient. Considering the patient's feelings such as anxiety, fear and pain helps to establish a trust-based relationship with them.
Paying Attention to the Patient's Personal Needs
Personal Care
It is important to assist the patient in their daily activities such as eating, drinking, toilet needs, cleaning and dressing.
A Comfortable Environment
The patient's room should be made comfortable in terms of factors such as light, temperature and noise level.
The patient's privacy should be respected, and examinations and care procedures should be carried out confidentially.
Encouraging the Patient in a Supportive Way
Positive Feedback
Appreciating the patient's small progress and efforts in the recovery process increases their motivation.
Instilling Hope
Giving the patient hope for recovery provides them with self-confidence and supports their active participation in the treatment process.
Building Trust
Instilling trust in the patient reduces their stress and anxiety levels and facilitates their compliance with treatment.
Being Patient and Kind to the Patient
A Patient Approach
Patients can sometimes be anxious, nervous or irritable. It is very important for healthcare professionals to be patient, tolerant and understanding.
A Gentle Attitude
Using a soft and polite language when communicating with patients makes them feel more comfortable and secure.
Empathic Behavior
Understanding the patient's feelings and responding sensitively to their needs improves the patient's care experience.
Respecting the Patient's Privacy
The patient's privacy and personal space should be meticulously protected. Examinations, care procedures and information sharing should be carried out confidentially. Personal information should not be shared with anyone without the patient's consent. Respecting the patient's right to privacy helps to gain their trust and increase their participation in the treatment process.
Duties of the Patient Companion
Personal Care: They assist with personal care procedures such as washing, dressing and meeting the patient's toilet needs.
Nutrition: They prepare or assist in preparing meals appropriate to the patient's eating habits and health status.
Medication Use: They administer the medications prescribed by the doctor to the patient on time and in the correct dosage.
Vital Sign Monitoring: They regularly measure vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse and fever and inform the doctor in case of any abnormalities.
Housework: They assist the patient with housework (cleaning, laundry, etc.).
Psychological Support: They chat to keep the patient's morale high and provide emotional support.
Social Interaction: They help the patient maintain their relationships with their social circle.
Implementation of Doctor's Instructions: They follow all the instructions given by the doctor completely.
Intervention in Emergency Situations: They intervene quickly in emergency situations and inform the necessary people.
What is Required to Be a Patient Companion?
Empathy: Being able to understand the patient's feelings and be understanding towards them
Patience: Being able to remain patient and calm in difficult situations
Physical Endurance: Being physically strong to assist the patient in daily life activities
Sense of Responsibility: Taking responsibility for the patient's health and safety
Communication Skills: Being able to communicate effectively with both the patient and the patient's relatives
Being Friendly and Helpful: Displaying a positive attitude to boost the patient's morale
Hygiene Knowledge: Taking care to keep the patient and the environment clean
Patient companions have an important role in making the lives of both the patients and their families easier.
Ankara Companion
We provide you with paid patient companion services in all hospitals in Ankara.