Our center operating in Ankara brings caregivers and families together. Finding a reliable babysitter is essential for working families.
How Should Babysitters and Families Agree?
Babysitters and families should discuss details clearly before work begins. Especially the rules of the house should be discussed in all details at this point. The family should talk about the behaviors they do not want at home in the first place. Unspoken rules can become a problem later on.
The person who will be a caregiver should be a person who can communicate strongly. The babysitter, who loves children, can empathize, is patient, friendly, open to personal development, cold-blooded, constantly updating himself on child development, should not act in a way that will undermine the trust of the family.
Children are very precious to families. Families want their children to be well looked after and personally developed. The babysitter, who should be patient about child care, should be a person who knows that each individual can have their own unique behaviors. The babysitter, who should contribute to the child's intelligence development, should act in accordance with the child's development. The caregiver and family should be in constant communication with the child's behavior and development. The child must love his caregiver. The caregiver should know how to win the love of the child.
Basic duties such as reading the child a book, playing games suitable for the development of the child, meeting the needs of the child, taking care of the child's health are among the most important duties of the caregivers.
For your search for a babysitter, you can contact us through our communication channels.